Dia. 2/2.7 mm / 14 ga/12 ga
M3 to M6 - #4 to 1/4"
M3 to M6 - #4 to 1/4"
M3 to M8 (M10) - #4 to 5/16"
M3 to M8 (M10) - #4 to 5/16"
M3 to M8 (M10) - #4 to 5/16" (7/16")
M3 to M8 (M10) - #4 to 5/16" (7/16")
M3 to M8 (M10) (for SC) #4 to 5/16" (7/16") (for SC)
M3 to M12 - #4 to 1/2"
M3 to M8 (M10) - #4 to 5/16" (7/16")
M3 to M12 - #4 to 1/2"
Dia. 3 to 16 mm - dia. #4 to 5/8"
Dia. 14 to 22 mm (25 mm) - dia. 9/16" to 7/8" (1")
M3 to M8
M3 to M8
M3 to M8 (dia. 10 to 12.7 mm)
M3 to M8 (dia. 10 to 12.7 mm)
The right choice of welding gun has a decisive influence on the welding process due to the required precision in the movement sequence.
In addition to the welding environment - stud diameter, stud length - ergonomic aspects (weight, handling), accessibility, the gun dimensions and cable lengths are also important.
Other possible accessories such as sound proofing or positioning tubes, protective gas assemblies, angle brackets, chucks or the use of other HBS power units for other dimensions etc. should also be considered.
The intended use determines the equipment.
WHAT - namely the welding stud(s) type should be
HOW - with which stud welding method
WITH WHAT - with which HBS power unit
with which accessory - shielding gas / ceramic ring / positioning tube etc.